I completed the first of two part evangelism series for a church in Panama.
It was my second workshop in Spanish, and I want to give thanks to God for a growing capacity to teach in Spanish. While the grammar was not 100% perfect, I was told that I was understandable, and the church gave me great grace. My family was with me, and we were treated to excellent and warm hospitality.
Part I — focused on our motives for evangelism, (for example: Evangelism Motives) and a brief introduction to the model of Phillip and the Ethiopian.
As part of the presentation, I explain some of the richness of the Gospel and God’s loving pursuit of us.
What surprised me however, was a visitor walked up to Pastor afterwards and said he was ready to start following Jesus.
He had been invited by a friend to come and hear the presentation and somehow with my limited Spanish, the Holy Spirit had convicted him of his need to follow Jesus.
My presentation was but one part of this man’s journey to faith, but last night he was as ready as the eunuch was in the Acts passage to start following Jesus.
All I can say is wow.
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