Earlier this fall, we had a chance to meet up with our Sunday School class for dinner at a local restaurant.
Our church, though very large, does not have an active small group ministry. The Sunday school class is attempting to fill that void and felt need. What a joy to visit with people and to share a little time of fellowship.
We attended the married couples class. We break down into smaller groups based on the seasons of marriage (1-5 years, 6-10 years, 11-20 years, 20+) when we meet on Sundays but this was the first attempt at gathering many of us together.

As it turned out, it was also our waiter’s birthday, so the class took a moment to honor him, then pray for him a blessing. It was our chance to minister to him.
Saying Grace in Public
The biggest surprise of the night for me was being called on to say grace for our food.
Praying an impromptu prayer, in Spanish, before a crowd of listeners (and God, of course) turned on the anxiety faucet pretty quickly. However, I stumbled through it.
Spanish for me still is a little clumsy, but conversationally I do OK. I’m told it’s still a little “heavy” meaning the grammar is not always right, the prepositions might be in the wrong direction.
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