Brenda has always loved creating craft ideas to help communicate parts of God’s story to others.
As part of our ministry, she is often asked to teach Children’s ministry leaders about craft ideas for use in their Sunday school or outreach programs.
Brenda has lots of creativity, and the focus of her work is on using ordinary household items, such as cardboard, Styrofoam trays, egg cartons and roll tubes from paper towels or toilet paper.
She hears comments like:
This is relevant for today.
We need these ideas.
Can we buy your book?
The demand for what she teaches produces large audiences at National Training conferences, and as word gets out that we are here, the phone is beginning to ring on a local level to come and give workshops locally. It’s a labor of love and fueled by a desire to help others reach the next generation for Christ.
2008 Leadership Conference
At a camp in early 2008 for the National Children’s Leadership conference, Brenda had nearly 100 children’s workers gather around. When she repeated that workshop in July, the crowd was even larger. Our family helps at workshops like this. For example, Brandon is helping her get supplies out of the box.
More and more people kept crowding around as she produced craft ideas to help communicate.
Children’s Drama Props
She recently provided props for a children’s ministry skit at our church. Check these out:
The scale of the scissors is hard to comprehend, but these are about as long as an adult’s arm. Total Cost: $0
Using cardboard and a bolt/nut from my tool box, she created the scissors.
Total cost: $0. Using cardboard packaging, toilet paper, and borrowing a toilet paper spindle, she created a tape dispenser. Even has little teeth on this to break the tape. These props were used in a skit at the Palacio de los Niños (Brenda is not pictured).
In December and into January of 2009 in Volcan, Panama, she will continue to give workshops teaching others how to make such crafts from ordinary household items.
To continue giving these workshops around the country, we need your help, particularly because we have to rent a car to get the teaching supplies to places. Consider supporting Brenda’s work on a monthly basis so that we can continue to train children’s workers in this region.
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