Travel by bus
One class was about a 4 hour bus ride away.
Rising at 3am, quite groggy and hungry, I left to catch a very chilly bus ride to this little town. The air conditioner was on overdrive. At least this time I was prepared with a hat and fleece jacket. (I learned how cold the overnight buses are when I went to Volcan).
Trying to sleep was impossible. I passed the time praying for this country (which just had new presidential elections) and for the class I was going to conduct in Spanish. I wanted the Holy Spirit to touch hearts and ignite a passion for evangelism.
The class
About 20 had gathered for the class that began at 8.30am. The disparity in education levels stuck out — some with MD degrees, some with only 6th grade. All with a passion to share the grace of Jesus. One pastor needed 2 hours to get there for class — his little church was more remote than the little town I was in.
We spent 6 hours on personal evangelism training in cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
At times, the Lord moved us from the teaching into spontaneous worship, times of confession, repentance, and intercessory prayer.
We made sure that we finished on time to catch the last bus to the city to make our connection home.
The impact
On the way home, my host began to share with me how this teaching deeply impacted his life. Santos had been meditating on it for days.
“I felt like an evangelistic failure. I had been trained in many different styles, but never seeing any fruit. You helped me see that Evangelism is a process and I’m just a part. Conversion is God’s work, not mine. I can learn to trust the sovereignty of God.” — Santos.
He went on to share with me the impact on his life, outlook about ministry, and confidence. He recalled recent experiences of sharing his faith with family members and in the hospital ward where he ministers.
One of many
He’s a small group network leader in one of the largest churches in this country and is beginning to share these principles in his network.
Continue to pray for these students. I’m continuing to interact with them, encourage them, and equip them to passionately fulfill their callings. Pray that this teaching will spread and reach into networks I’ve never dreamed.
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