About 100-125 people gathered at Centro Cristiano Filadelfia, for Live 2009, a missions congress on evangelism, church planting and leadership.
As I was leaving the last day, the pastor pulled me aside and said something like:
Pastor Walker, your teaching Saturday [on teamwork in church planting] really impacted me.
There was a moment when the Holy Spirit came upon us and called us into a deep time of prayer — to call the church into cooperating with God’s spirit. That was a powerful moment for me, and I believe, for our church. Powerful.
We’ve just launched a new church that is not 4 months old and already we are beginning to think about how we can get you back out here to help us nurture that church along.
The host church has a particular vision to work with the marginalized and the poor. They dream of purchasing the land around them to setup halfway houses.
While waiting on their dream, they have also planted another church that is drawing young people from some of the dangerous areas of the city.
It is led by a young pastor in his early 20s, who served as our worship leader and conference organizer (pictured to the Right, one of the sons of the pastors).
The Holy Spirit gives a vision
During that same teaching and call to prayer, we moved into a time of prayer for Panama, crying out to God for his favor and abundance. It was a kairos moment that snuck up on us. I was simply teaching and when wrapping up, we closed the time in prayer.
It wasn’t just an ordinary ending prayer. The Holy Spirit called us forth to engage in deep prayer for the needs of the community, protection for the church plant, as well as a time for the nation.
While the Lord did other work through the other presenters, it was this moment people reflected back to me as to what they remember of my teaching. This was a powerful moment. Those of you who know what it’s like to be called into intercession know the power of this calling and the intensity of this moment.
One elder, from a province about 6 hours away, received a vision in full color. He never had a vision before, so he pulled me aside to talk with me about it. It was awesome to help this Christian brother discern what God was saying in this vision.
This same elder also felt called to join our intercessory team.
The Host Church
The church itself is in a community of only about 500 people. Pastor tells me that their biggest challenge in evangelism in their community is two fold:
- Drunk men — men who spend their entire paycheck in a weekend to get wasted.
- Overcoming a church scandal more than 12 years ago.
In a community that small with a stable population, the church had a reputation that was harmed, and people remember. This church has wrestled with how to overcome that, by serving the neighborhood in pratical ways, praying, fasting. Led by Pastora Diana Maxwell (pictured) and her husband Lester.
From different places
They gathered from several provinces (like states in the US) to spend the weekend receiving teaching on Missions and Evangelism. Having lived here for two years, I know and understand the sacrifice it takes for people to give up their weekends, spend money, and travel great distances by public transportation. The logistical challenge to overcome to get here reflects the demand for this information. When you want something, you do something.
Themes and Presenters
I was joined by Pastor Joshua Sándigo (Phoenix Arizona), Doctor Amilkar Kraudi (Nicaragua) and Lester and Diana Maxwell (Colon, Panama).
A. Evangelism in the 21st Century:
To learn what is evangelism in the 21st Century and how to be effective winning souls for the kingdom and to know some methods of how to evangelize this new generation and different cultures.
B. A strategic team for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
“One is too small to pretend to do great things.” What can a pastor or leader discover about how to equip a strategic team for the expansion of the vision the God has given them. How to develop effective teamwork in planting churches, to develop a sound team for your ministry, business, or organization.
A deep word of thanks
We are grateful for you who help us do this work. We are unable to do it without your support. Though we do receive an offering from events like this, it still doesn’t cover all the expenses of getting there. That’s where we trust God to provide for our needs through His people.
How can you respond?
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- By Check: Mark your gift for the Mission to Americas. Make check payable to PRMI and mail to PRMI, P.O.Box 429, Black Mountain NC 28711
We need people to join our monthly team as well as one time gifts to meet our monthly budget or $3500 minimum, $5000 comfortable for next year.
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