Yesterday, I met one of my students out in the market.
He’s taken the evangelism training and it has impacted his confidence in talking about his faith.
He now looks for those moments where the Holy Spirit prompts him to speak with spiritually thirsty people.
I’ve gotten to know him outside of class,
- Sharing lunch with him on occasion, and
- Hearing his heart for working among immigrants, and
- His calling to work on the other side of the world.
Working the market
He’s self-employed as a “ambulante.”
In other words, he who walks around crowded areas in the hot sun of the day.
He carries his inventory of cookies, cards, and posters
He calls out as he walks to draw attention to himself.
He sells his brandless stuff for quarters and dollars at a time.
In picture above, he’s got some Mother’s day cards in the box (.50)
He’s got cookies (.25).
In his hand (off camera) were some posters he sells for $1.50, and off his right shoulder was a canvas bag of other goodies.
He changes out his inventory regularly based on what sells, and the season of year.
He goes to crowded areas, bus stops, markets, and simply walks around trying to sell his merchandise.
If he doesn’t walk and sell, he doesn’t make any profit. He doesn’t have income to pay for his rent or groceries.
It’s a hard living, eeking out by quarters and dimes at a time.
Preparing for Global Missions
He wants to work in one of the former soviet republics, so he’s learning business principles here to fund himself.
He dreams of growing his work into a micro-enterprise so that he can fund missions work.
As we stood on the noisy and crowded street corner that morning in front of a busy shop, he told us stories of God’s provision in his life to grow his business next year.
Donors who believe his call to missions that give him money
- to grow his business,
- to buy better inventory
- and hire another worker.
He also continued to tell me how he’s had Spirit led evangelistic conversations with people along the way as he walks the streets.
I see this student working hard to join in the plan of gathering the nations.
He wants to grow a successful reselling business to fund himself in his work.
Meanwhile, we get the joy of investing in his life, giving him training to do the work of evangelism and nurture his missions calling.
He’s beginning to teach some classes on missions, and occasionally gets to preach in churches about the missions calling, and I can see that he is anointed of the Lord to do that.
Your support helps us invest in this man
Your partnership in prayer and giving enables our work to make an impact.
Thanks for helping us invest.
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