A Foursquare church on invited me out last weekend to prepare their team to go door to door. Because of some miscommunication, I didn’t realize that this was my expected purpose. I was invited to give my workshop on personal evangelism.
I taught the entire 3 hours in Spanish, and promptly took a 3 hour nap when it was all done!
Coming alongside ministries
After the workshop was over, they took to the streets into a new residential subdivision that has come up near their church.
Door to door campaigns are common for this church, it is one of their most effective evangelism styles and I learned that part of my purpose was to come alongside and motivate them for the adventure.
If I could do this over again, I’d gear my workshop more in that direction. I focused a little too much on evangelism as a life style.
But, in spite of the misplaced focus, the Lord can and did use the workshop. The organizer mentioned that 53 people attended the workshop. Here is what she said after the event.
“We often want evangelism reduced to a formula we can put into a book and follow it like a recipe. But what you’ve helped us to see is that evangelism is a process, and that it’s a process that each one of worked through ourselves in coming to faith.
This helps us to realize that when we go door to door, we need to be patient with people who are not yet ready to receive, and be receptive to noticing those who are. We need to be listening to the Spiritual Thirst.”
Now I wasn’t able to actually go along with them to do the campaign and help them debrief the experience, but I hope that I’ll be able to return in a few weeks and hear how it went.
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