Now that the Nashville trip is over, it’s time to start the process of immigration.
I’ve been reading that this will take anywhere between 3 months to 2 years to complete the process, depending on how agressive the government clerk is in getting my file approved. That will remain a prayer item during the next few weeks.
Besides Immigration, I will be in enrolling in a local language school to keep sharpening the language skills. First class will be on friday to help figure out where I am placed.
Ongoing Prayer
We continue to pray for the city and its people. As we settle down and set up our new rhythm of life, we have plenty of opportunity to pray.
Here are some examples:
1. Brenda and I have the time to sit in our apartment or go to the building rooftop where we can see the buildings and we spend time praying for the city.
2. Public transportation — we use buses to get around (only .25 a person, .50 for the whole family). They can get crowded and some journeys can last up to 45 minutes or so during rush hour. That gives us plenty of down time to pray for the city as we ride through it. Plenty of time to pray for the other passengers on the bus.
While the Apostle Paul waited in Athens, he spent time playing tourist, getting to know the city and it’s rhythms.
Before Nehemiah started work in Jerusalem, he spent time in the city praying.
We continue to pray before actively starting intentional ministry, asking God to give us His vision and heart for the city and it’s people.
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