In the middle of January 2012, our family joined in a bible camp for at risk children.
We’ve gotten to know Pastor Raquel over the years.
Each year she allows us to minister to the kids she ministers to all year long.
These children come from a high risk area of
- poverty
- malnutrition
- gangs
- sex trafficking
This church is one of a few that minister in this area.
Their holistic ministry is more than just preaching the gospel, but feeding the hungry, providing education to families, and sharing health information to kids to help them escape the cycles of poverty.
In one of the community health segments, using bi-lingual coloring books provided by Children’s Medical Ministries, our son served as a translator with the youth leader dressed like a nurse.
The kids wanted to hear American English speaker repeated what the nurse was explaining in Spanish so our son got into the act.
During one of the craft sessions, Brenda helped each of these kids find simple ways to share the gospel with their friends, using tools like the wordless book.
Each kid assembled their wordless book from felt we had pre-cut, and then used it to practice a simple gospel presentation to their friend at the table.
Thanks to Westminster Presbyterian Church Richmond, Royal Oak United Methodist in Maryland, and Children’s Medical Ministries for their financial gifts to make this outreach possible.
They provided funds for craft materials and the books.
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