March 19, 2010 – La Prensa
In the first two months of the year, Panama’s car dealers sold 5,405 new vehicles, a decline of 7 percent as compared to February 2009.
Official statistics indicate that, in Panama, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is on the rise, with preliminary figures for January showing that the population consumed an estimated 22.8 million liters; 5.1 percent more than the same month in 2009.
The poll found that 66.8 percent of Panamanians found that Martinelli’s management is "good," and another 9.1 percent described it as "excellent." The poll found that 20.2 percent of those asked considered his management to be "bad" or "very poor."
June 10, 2010 La Prensa
A total of 5,674 entered divorce proceedings in 2009 in the courts across the country, 139 cases more than in 2008. According to information from the Center of Judicial Statistics, 2939 (52%) of these cases are requests for separation by mutual consent
September 14 La Prensa
Panama spends $270,000 per year on therapy for alcohol addiction.
Panama leads Central America in alcohol consumption: 6 liters per capita a year. The age where most people start drinking has lowered to 12, over the last 5 years.
In Pregnancy, 1,591 of 6,133 (25.9%) in 2009 in the western Panama, were to adolescents under 19. 78 of these were in the age 10-14. 2010 is on track to be higher teen pregnancy rates. In the sector, there are 77,356 teens, 28,056 live in Chorrera
September 21, 2010 La Presna
Of married couples, or those in committed relationships, 46.4% of men, and 48.9% of women surveyed have had more than 1 sexual partner in the last year. Unfaithfulness is common.
20% of the live births in the country (unlike the region stat above) were to women aged 15-19 years old, concentrated mostly in the indigenous areas (though the average age indigenous women at marriage is age 17).
In the same study of the group 15-19 years old, 31.7% of the women and 40.7% of the men said they started having sex before the age of 15.
Nearly 14% of the pregnant women had an abortion.
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