Week 2 of our Summer road trip had us visiting with family and attending Capilla Cristo Redentor, a Spanish language Assembly of God church in Spring Lake NC.
This week was entirely connected to Vacation Bible School, which this year was based on the Armor of God. Brenda had the privilege of serving in a teaching role.
I had a quiet week, recovering from being sick the previous week.
On Sunday we were given the minute for mission time and we got to share about our work in Latin America, being based in Panama City, but working throughout the entire region of the Americas.
Brenda shared more about www.mismanualidades.org, a new website that we are building to publish the material that she is developing to train Children’s workers. That seemed to really resonate with this particular church (the website is in Spanish) and many signed up for the newsletter that will be forthcoming.
An area of teaching ministry that we were called to in Panama was to train Children’s workers. We’ve had two significant events where Brenda was teaching a few hundred at a time. Each time that she teaches, the need for the information that she is providing becomes more and more apparent.
Every time that we teach at a conference or a seminar in Panama or in Latin America, our sense of calling is affirmed. We know that we are in the center of what God has us doing.
Would you continue to pray for us as our ministry develops in Latin America?
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