We have arrived safely in Panama to a not quite ready apartment. But flexibility is the key to life here.
Two days ago, we packed up all our remaining possessions into an orange 20′ sea going container. Friends helped us load it up and it was a tight squeeze, but it fit.
It was quite the freeing discipline to declutter possessions. Selling some things evoked some tears (like Brandon’s first crib or my yard tools). The emotions caught us by surprise — some were sentimental pieces. Some items we were glad to sell off, wondering why. Ebay and craigslist repositioned some cash for us that will carry us for a few months.
When the house was empty, it was hard not to be reflective. We held a youth lock in on day 1 when we owned that house — it was vacant to. It’s been a place of many memories, but no longer our home.
The emotions of moving finally caught up with us in force. We had been able to ignore the emotions — always stuff to pack, stuff to sell off, phone calls to return. But once it was all done — we felt.
One of our deepst family friends was with us that night and we spent time praying with her and her for us. It was a sweet time of memory making, and a time of closing out that chapter of life in Richmond VA.
fredrose says
Chris, What a profound and honest sharing of your experience of leaving. I am fascinated by what you all have done and are doing. I am praying for you that God will continue to take care of you and sustain all of you in this new adventure. I will follow and pray for your ministry with honest appreciation. You have literally sold all your possessions and are going where the Lord wants. May God continue to bless your devotion and faith. Thank you for sharing yourselves. Fred Rose