The very first class in the recent pastor’s training class at the Wesleyan Seminary of Venezuela centered on the motive of God in reaching people.
Towards the end of the class, we sensed a kairos moment of God’s activity which moved us into prayer.
These are approximate translations of verbal testimonies given during a time of sharing and debriefing about a prayer session at the end of a class teaching.
These are all pastors pursuing an academic degree in the seminary where I taught last week.
“Yesterday’s time of prayer was like spiritual surgery for me. . I had forgotten how important the lost sheep is to the pastor, the lost coin to the widow, and the lost son to the Father (Luke 15). That prayer time re-awakened me to the search for them.” Pastor Josue
“I had a vision while we were praying for the harvest field. I saw a plaza in a town about 45 minutes from where we are. I’m thinking that is the next place we are to plant a church.” Pastor Franklin
“I realized that I had let my relationship with Jesus get dry and shallow. Your teaching helped me surrender once again to pursue Jesus with all my mind and heart and strength so that I may share out of the overflow of my life with Him.”
“I have learned a lot that I can use in my church. God is really using you in our country.” Pastor Jesus
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